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  (7)国外来证大多数均加注:“除另有规定外,本证根据国际商会《跟单信用证统一惯例》即国际商会600号出版物 (《ucp600》)办理。”

  (8)银行间电汇索偿条款(t/t reimbursement clause)。



  编号: Reference:

  作者: Author:

  标题: Title:

  发往: Send to:

  报文类型: Message Type:

  优先级: Priority:

  传送监控: Delivery Monitoring:

  27 :报文页次 sequence of total

  40A :跟单信用证类型 form of documentary credit

  20 : 跟单信用证号码 documentary credit

  31C :开证日期 date of issue

  31D :到期日 date of expiry 到期地点place of expiry

  51A :开证申请人银行——银行代码 applicant bank-BIC

  50 :开证申请人 applicant

  59 :受益人 beneficiary

  32B :货币与金额 currency code, amount

  41D :指定银行与兑付方式 available with … by …

  42C :汇票 drafts at…

  42A :汇票付款人——银行代码 drawee-BIC

  43P :分批装运 partial shipments

  43T :转船 transshipment

  44A :装船/发运/接受监管地点 loading on board / dispatch/taking in charge

  44B :货物运往 for transportation to …

  44C :最迟装运期 latest date of shipment

  45A :货物/或服务名称 description of goods and/or services

  46A :单据要求 documents required

  47A :附加条件 additional conditions

  71B :费用 charges

  48 :交单期限 period for presentation

  49 :保兑指示 confirmation instructions

  78 :给付款行/承兑行/议付行的指示 instructions to paying/accepting/negotiating bank

  72 :附言 sender to receiver information
